Participation in the kick-off meeting of the CBHE DigEco project (12.02.2021, online)

dig ecoOn 12 February 2020, the Erasmus+ CBHE project DigEco “Digitalization of economic as an element of sustainable development of Ukraine and Tajikistan ” was launched.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the project consortium: University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany; University of Maribor, Slovenia; Tajik Technical University named after academician M.Osimi, Tajikistan; Tajik State University of Finance and Economics, Tajikistan; Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University, Tajikistan; Neksigol Navovar, Tajikistan; Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine; Admiral Makarov National University оf Shipbuilding, Ukraine; Zhytomir Polytechnic State University, Ukraine; Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, Ukraine; Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Ukraine; NGO «Vinnytsia City Organization «Parostok», Ukraine; LLC «Company M-Master», Ukraine; Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Ukraine.

The participants of the meeting were welcomed by the Director General, Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Oleh Sharov (HERE team) and NEO – Ukraine Coordinator Svitlana SHYTIKOVA.

Svitlana SHYTIKOVA joined the meeting and provided the project team with key recommendations on project implementation and preparation for the kick-off meeting. Participants of the meeting improved awareness on promotion and dissemination of achieved project results and activities, enhanced understanding of Erasmus+ financial management rules, and increased cooperation, synergy with key stakeholders to spread planned impact via individuals, institutional, local and national levels.


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